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Essence of Digital marketing for small business

Updated: Feb 27, 2023

We always find small businesses struggling with issues like paucity of resources, limited reach to customers, insignificant market presence and vulnerability to stiff competition from big players in the field. These overpowering factors easily render small businesses unviable. But, recent innovations in technology have proved that small businesses could easily overcome all these shortcomings with digital marketing, which opens up a world of opportunities for them.

Digital 2022 report on India states that there are 658 million internet users in India at the start of the year 2022 which is expected to rise up to 900 million by the year 2025 (‘Internet in India’ report by IAMAI). These figures amply point towards two important things. Firstly the enormous size of Indian digital market and secondly its vast untapped potential. With these figures in mind, we could easily imagine the size of the present and future Indian digital market. The best thing about digital market is that it doesn’t differentiate between a big business and a small business. It provides a level playing field to all irrespective of the size. All what we need is just the right digital marketing strategy which could boost the digital image and presence of the business.

With a strong digital presence, small businesses could become global and reach more customers (and in fact target audience) in no time. Digital marketing campaigns ensure maximum reach with minimum outlay. In comparison to other marketing mediums, digital marketing advertisements when once created become permanent on the page (web or social media) of the business facilitating its easy access forever. A digital campaign offers a multimedia of expression such as still image pamphlet, video snippet, audio file, written post etc. which when created with the right content could make the desired impact.

All the above benefits make digital marketing important for small businesses. It accords visibility and publicity to products/services of small businesses which ultimately helps in boosting revenue and profit. Hence, an impactful digital presence and marketing strategy can make all the difference thereby preventing untimely death of potent business formulations, regardless of size.

We, at Aspa cater to digital marketing needs of all types of business and professionals. We recommend you to go through our website to know more about us and our expert services. We appreciate your presence on our website and would simply love to hear back from you. Till then See Ya!!

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